Thursday, February 18, 2010

Semester 2, Blog #1: User-generated Content

I use the internet on a daily basis, and most of the media of which I partake is user-generated content. What I most enjoy about the internet is how it offers limitless opportunities for users to express their creativity, share information, and interact with other people who share common interests. A prime example of user-generated content is YouTube, which contains a great variety of video content uploaded by users, from mindless viral videos, to clips of entertainment professionals, or TV and movie clips, or even intelligent, educational documents. I visit YouTube frequently primarily to watch clips of my favorite performing artists. Sometimes the endless amount of entertainment can actually become addicting, and that’s the negative side to having so much content at your fingertips. Another site I like that features user-generated content is DeviantArt, where users can publish their artwork to share freely with others. I use DeviantArt just to enjoy other people’s original artwork and fan art, but I haven’t yet put up any of my own work. My relationship with media on sites such as YouTube and DeviantArt is merely as a consumer (for now), since I don’t like the idea of putting up my work to be judged by users. People post hateful, rude, or malicious comments more often than not (especially on YouTube), and that can make these sites a very frustrating interactive experience. Other sites I often visit are fan-made websites dedicated to singers, actors, anime series, or other interests I have. These sites play a big role in deepening my love and understanding of various artforms and their artists, and connect me to other fans with similar passions. If it weren’t for websites created by fans, I would know next to nothing about my favorite films, TV series, or singers, nor would I have much of an avenue for my “fandom.”

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